
Discovering Your True Spiritual Persona

Who is Personah?

My name is Jim. I love Jesus, and have tried to obey and follow Him for many decades. The material here is mostly gleaned from my own studies on the mind and heart of God. What I have found over the years is that many Christians have a viewpoint of God and their relationship with Him that is not actually based on scripture. We are to be free. We are to walk in confidence, love and peace. Here at Personah we’re trying to find out what that really means.

I wrote a book, called Prayer, Quantum Physics and Hotel Mattresses, about the thin membrane between the seen and the unseen. It’s not so much a book about persona but it explores the invisible supernatural realm all around us, using science and quantum physics to draw parallels. It can be found on Amazon HERE.

I have not arrived, by any means, but I am seeking a deeper life in the Holy Spirit. I believe that Jesus Christ suffered greatly on our behalf, and the “salvation package” that He freely offers us is ours for the asking, apart from anything we can do to earn it. The same applies to our continued growth in the SpiritĀ (See Galatians 3:2-5). Therefore, in addition to receiving salvation for our mortal souls, it is also crucial that we continue in the faith and make disciples of all nations.

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