
Discovering Your True Spiritual Persona

Just Who Are You?

How do you see yourself? Take a good long look in the mirror, then continue reading…

Recently listened to a great Graham Cooke teaching for the third or fourth time, and at one point he just starts reading a list of characteristics that the Bible itself has assigned to those who are in Christ. By the end of the list, the audience was cheering, and just keep on whooping it up for a few minutes.

When the Holy Spirit finally gets through to us the reality of the way God really sees us, it ought to change us forever.

Just meditate on this list for a while and see if it doesn’t encourage you:

You are a new creation

You are a people of His possession

You are a royal priesthood

You are aligned to God

All grace abounds toward you

All sufficiency is in you through Him

All things belong to you

You are ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20)

You are anointed

You are the apple of God’s eye

As He is, so are You in this world

You’re baptized into One Spirit

You’re baptized into Christ

You’re baptized into His death

You’re being perfected

You’re the beloved

You’re completely blameless

You’re totally blessed

You’re blessed with all spiritual blessings

You have confident, bold access to the throne of God

You’re bold as lions

You’re born again

You’re the bride of Christ

You’re buried with Christ in His death

You have a holy calling

You can do all things through Christ

You’re chosen

Christ indwells you

You have the fullness of God within you

You are co-heirs with Christ

You’re created for good works

You’re curse-free

You’re dead to sin

You’re declared holy

You’re disciples

You’re the elect

You’re totally enriched in all things

You’re faithful

You’re fellow citizens of God’s household

You’re free

You have freedom from sin

You’re being freely given all things

You’re friends of Christ

You’re fruitful

You’re gifted

You’re given all things

You are the habitation of God

You have the mind of Christ

He is made rich because of you

He is at work within you

He is for you and not against you

You’re healed

You’re hidden in Christ

You’re highly favored

You are his fullness

You are his possession

You are his workmanship (Ephesians 2:10)

You’re a holy nation

You’re a holy priesthood

You’re increasing in the knowledge of God

You are inseparable from the love of God

You’re jewels

You’re joint heirs with Him

You’re heirs of God

You’re justified

The kingdom of God is within you

You’re kings, priests and rulers

You’re known by Him

You lack nothing

You are the light of the world (Matthew 5:13)

You live by faith

You live by God’s word

You’re living stones

You’re made in his image

You’re made rich in all things

You’re more than conquerors

You’re a new creation

You have a sound mind

You’re ordained

You are peculiar

You’re people of God

You’re pillars of the truth

You’re prepared for good works

You’re protected

You’re purified

You’re raised with Christ in resurrected life

You are redeemed

You are the righteousness of God in Jesus

You’re a royal priesthood

You’re saints

You’re the salt of the earth

You’re sanctified

You’re saved

You’re sealed

You’re seated with Him in heavenly places

You’re servants

You share His authority

You’re shining stars

You’re sons of God

You’re sons of light

You’re stewards

You’re strengthened

You’re the elect of God

You’re the friends of Christ

You have the fullness of the Godhead living in you

You are the righteousness of God in Christ

You’re the temple of God (2 Corinthians 6:16)

You’re the temple of the Holy Spirit

You are transformed

You are vessels of glory and honor

You’re walking by faith

You’re walking in newness of life

You’re warriors

You’re wise

You’re witnesses

You’re absolutely worthy of who God is

You are His people of and the sheep of His pasture (Psalm 100:3)

By His scourging You are healed (Isaiah 53:5)

You are clay, He is the Potter (Isaiah 64:8)

You’re not under law but under grace (Romans 6:15)

You are children of God (Romans 8:16) (1 John 3:1,2)

You are God’s fellow workers (1 Corinthians 3:9)

You are a fragrance of Christ to God (2 Corinthians 2:15)

You are destroying speculations (2 Corinthians 10:5)

You are members of His body (Ephesians 5:30)

You are perfect

You are more valuable than many sparrows (Matthew 10:31)

You are not in the flesh (Romans 8:9)


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