
Discovering Your True Spiritual Persona

Welcome to Personah!

We’re all on a path. A trail. A journey.

Yours might be a walk in the park, a hike at high altitude, or a trudge through a muddy swamp infested with alligators. We’re all going somewhere. But we at Personah have discovered that there are very few people who really know where they’re going. And even fewer understand why. And only a precious few have any inkling how to get there. is a website where you can explore the real purpose behind your existence. Maybe figure out why you were created. And what your mission is on this planet. We’ll be approaching this huge and critical topic from a number of angles, but always from the perspective of believers in a Creator God, who has incredible, incomprehensible plans for every one of His kids.

Perhaps you’re not a believer in the God of the Bible. If so, welcome! We’re very happy you’re here. We want you to feel welcome, never intimidated, never criticized, and never condemned. Our job is not to point out why we’re right and you’re wrong. It’s to engage in a conversation that can change lives, whether or not you believe in God. We happen to believe that God created us all and He loves us with an incredibly deep and incomprehensible love. We’re His kids, and He has awesome things in store for us. We hope to convince you of His love and affection for you. He’s not angry, He’s not out to get you. He wants to prove His love to you. We believe that it is only possible to function 100% in your true calling and purpose when you’re a follower of God and His ways, but nevertheless, we want you here and you are always welcome.

Maybe you are a believer in God and the new life that He has made available through His son Jesus. If so, we would like to ask you to keep an open mind as we travel this road together. You may read things here that you’ve never heard before or never even thought of. We’re not going to proclaim that everything you see on this site will agree with your theology. Every one of us is on a path, some going through new doors ahead of us and reaching back to pull us through, and some are reaching out for your hand so you can help them come through. What you read here will probably make you think. This is a good thing. We believe it’s spiritually and intellectually arrogant to believe that our theology can be 100% complete and perfect. We, after all, are imperfect human beings, and we believe in a perfect, infinite God. By definition, our theology-or knowledge of God-must evolve. That’s why we’re here!

We at Personah take literally the biblical promise that God can do “far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think.” But it doesn’t just happen automatically. If it did, we’d all be doing unbelievable things! If we’re honest, we all have to admit that we’re living at some level below our potential. We all realize that we can and should be doing more with what God has given us. No condemnation here, no criticism, just a realistic viewpoint about our own human limitations.

The good news is, we can change all that. We have tools. Knowledge. Wisdom. We will be having discussions here that could possibly change the course of your life. If you’re willing.

Willing to think outside the box. Willing to take a chance on doing something different. Different from the same old thing that has brought you to the dis-satisfying place you are now.

Take a chance. Nothing on Personah will hurt you. It’s not going to kill you or turn you into a cultist or a whacky Pharisee. We want to talk about ideas. The future. The way God really created us. What He can accomplish through a person who is really serious about following Him into everything that He planned for us from before we were born.

Come on in. The water’s fine…

© 2024 Personah

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